Monday, 31 December 2007

Mum and Dad to 18

This has been our second weekend taking the oversight care at 'Sozo Children's Home'. It is a nice restful place ... a new girl ran away during the week, three boys limped back Saturday afternoon with their motorbike in too many pieces (courtesy of a 15-year-old speedster who managed to do a runner) ... and the two male rabbits are determined to mate. Otherwise, all is calm.

Chicken soup is served - Miss Responsible, Sreyna, dishes up for Chivea and Samang

During the week Big Ben (as in seriously tall) and Helen, from Citiepoint Church in Brisbane keep everything ticking along. The real anchors tho' are Mali (I'll get a picture of him up later) and Sreyna - both raised in this home and now both finished with school. The real mum and dad, Grahame and Sandra, still have a month off.

The amazing, multi-talented Sue - lands a basket in the dark! How sad these digital cameras are - I pressed the shutter as she took the shot and the camera snaps an ecstatic Sue after the ball is in the hoop. Oh for real-time digital photography!

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