Thursday, 14 February 2008

Seven weeks floor time

I've been teaching a '9.10' Bible study class every Sunday morning these last six weeks. '9.10' is the time - positioned after the 7am early morning church service, and before the 10.15am service.

Sopuan has been my trusted translator. He's a great young guy - and the brother of Sopheap who worked with us at Stepping Stones. She has been in my class, too - one of the 18 or so keen students.

Here is Sopuan - he could sit like this all day

My greatest challenge has been to sit one hour, cross-legged on the floor. The locals are natural at this - legs crossed, knees flat on the ground. My legs are crossed, knees tucked somewhere around my chin! Then when it is time to get up I try to stand still for a bit and find someone to talk to - as if I walk, it is all waddle for the first few minutes!

My last class is this Sunday. There are three more weeks after we leave for Austraila and NZ, so my buddy Mark Dennett will cover those. Mark was telling me about Valentines Day here - that girls txt girls; blokes txt blokes with 'Happy Valentines Day' messages. I'm all for engaging the culture. I have just txted Mark a warm, caring Valentines message.

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