Tuesday, 27 January 2009

No loo paper please

I believe that our beans are saved but I have grave fears for our lettuce!

When I discovered dubious-smelling water bubbling out of the ground next to our garden this afternoon, I suspected that we could have a problem. Lifting a hunk of concrete revealed a sump with the flow certainly heading the wrong way. The smell and the colour was a bit disconcerting too.

After half an hour or so of bucketing the stuff out and pouring into another drain, the backflow ceased. Our trusty landlord appeared shortly thereafter and appeared to understand the happenings. When the sewage could not flow the right way, it had an escape hatch - our lettuce bed! Oh poo!!

Jason, where are you when you're really, really needed??

Loo paper appears to be the culprit. We're tossing around ideas for the best solution. Only allowing number 1's at the Healing Home is an option maybe ...

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