Friday, 18 February 2011

More power so pics part 2

Off to work we go - it would be fun to just spend a day sometime to photograph the infinite variations and configurations of what a moto moves in Cambodia.

A local driving my future wagon. The humble Lexus 4wd is the essential mobile status symbol here. Don't be fooled that Cambodia is 'poor' - these machines abound by the mega hundreds. Cambodia is not so poor - but many, many of the people are.

'Open market' - fish, pork, beef, chicken - they are all sold in the open (and very often in the open sun, too!)

We've just been thru' Chinese New Year here. Phnom Penh is pretty well run by the Chinese, business-wise. We had a week of delightful quiet and calm in the city with the majority of businesses shut down - even tho' this is not a Cambodian holiday. These flowers are a part of the festivities.

Yeji lady weighing and collecting scrap metal in an area not far from us where mainly Vietnamese people run streets of wood milling and furniture shops. Directly above is where this young mum and her child live (below)

Not even trying - three adults, a babe and a child on one moto is reasonable but not head-turning-worthy. The best I have seen is six teenagers on a bike. That would be boys, of course!

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