Friday, 17 June 2011

Unpopular visitor

Just to remind us that this is not clean, green, slippery-crawlie-free NZ Land - upon arrival at the Healing Home this morning we came upon a bit of excitement.

The guy was not so small - about 1.2 metres long. The locals said that it was the mice-eating, non-poisonous variety, but when it went into curling, hissing strike mode in response to my little tickle from a bamboo pole, I decided that Kiwis do not need to be responsible for these matters.

A husband of one of our patient's took over bamboo pole duties and chased it to the front corner of our land - then 180 degree turn and and a rush to the back corner. There, the snake totally disappeared. My suspicion - it knew about the lid over our sewage drain and had gone for a swim down there. 'Tis a good time to keep all toilet lids firmly down ...

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