The longest anyone has stayed at the Healing Home is a year. Da came to us with horrendous bedsores. Paralysed after falling from a palm tree, he was close to dying. He had three more years of life.
Donnie had spent huge time, energy and money on Da since he left us. One of the huge frustrations here can be the fatalistic dependency mindset. Susie was despairing over Da, as he would not follow through on self-care instructions. The bedsores quickly returned from self-neglect and he eventually died from the associated infection.
Da's resting place. Pastor Paulie, the New Life pastor who is based in this area, visited Da regularly also and we are understand he kept his faith firm until the end.
His funeral was not so sad though - as we bumped into two lots of former patients in Da's village. Great things are quietly happening to our patients as they return home, and it was just so heartening to have sadness turned to rejoicing as we witnessed some happy happenings.
I had this lady come to me all excited and say 'you must come to my house and see my husband'. Ahh names and faces ... but as soon as I saw this guy, I remembered him. He had been totally unable to walk; all the time we knew him he was legless and we actually sorted a wheelchair for him. Now he is up and about - and his wife told us how all the neighbours ask 'how is it you can walk now; what medicine did you have?? - and he answers them 'no, it is not any medicine; I pray to Jesus'.
Nite (centre) had been with us at the same time as Da. Literally dirt poor, she had malnutrition and arthritis. Vaan, her husband was the village rat-bag who really got saved. Now, he helps Pasttor Pauly, and runs a smallgroup from his house. I've been to their place once before - then it was a tragic hovel. Now, their home is their castle - I'm not sure of the story but I saw a plaque from Tabitha NGO on the side of the house. Touch, their daughter, is 200% happier these days too!