Wednesday, 12 November 2008


I was reading an article about Phnom Penh's water supply a while back. A bunch of work has been done to pipe clean water thoughout the city. This article claimed that Phnom Penh had been recognised as now having the cleanest water in the world. I want to see that claim emblazoned upon a Tui billboard ...

Algae floaties straight our of the tap

At home, we buy our drinking water in 20 litre plastic containers for $1. All good. At the Healing Home I was doing that but have shifted to two water filters - a simple but effective system that filters water through a big clay pot. I also use heaven's own supply, capturing water from a roof run-off and into 20 litre bottles. As long as I allow the first 15 minutes or so of a downpour to wash the dust and atmospheric grime away, the 'from above' water is great.

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