Monday, 22 December 2008

Straight to the poolroom

Jason and Julia Hamilton-Smith have arrived for three weeks. Julia was here at the same time last year, while her husband was in government service in a distant land.

They came with a good-sized suitcase each laden with children's supplies and other stuff - and a big mystery cardboard-wrapped parcel. This went under the Christmas tree (well - beside the tree, seeing that it was about the same size!) 24 hours and I just had to know ...

My very precious picture - so much colour and character!!

Julia had done three extraordinary things rolled into one.

1. She remembered how much I miss vibrant colours in this nation. Often I'm wanting to get colour into our world as we live in a city dominated by grey concrete.

2. She remembered the time last year when we happened to find a great art gallery with paintings by a resident French-Canadian artist.

3. She had a certain picture, taken by herself in the local vege market.

So, 1, 2, 3 - Jason and Julia got an artist friend to paint a stylised rendition of the photo in the style of the above artist. This is the result - an awesome picture that now has pride of place in our dining room. Walk into our living room and your eye will now be automatically drawn to this great splash of creative colour. Thank you, guys!!

Daughter Melody is not so generous in her 'Christmas-come-early' policy. Her gift to us also arrived in Julia and Jason's luggage ...

Watch this space - Jason and Julia are farmers and avid gardeners. They have done an impressive amount of research on tropical vege gardens and have a detailed plan of visually transforming the Healing Home land into a productive haven. Bring it on!!

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