Thursday, 5 June 2008

Indonesian Conference

Happy Susie! That is Aussie Kerry next to her (she works in an amazing ministry to street-children) - obscured in the 'Cambodian whities' lineup is Mark and Jo, Pam, across-the-road English Ann and Marion who runs the business employing land-mine amputees.

Life is full of fun turnngs and surprises out her . Susie had a very strong sense that we were to attend a refresher conference end of May, and from an internet search dug up the 'Glory Encounter' 4-day conference in Jakarta. Word kind of spread - and there ended up being eight of us from here.

More fun times - our Bangkok-Jakarta flight was cancelled, so that had four of us overnighting in Bangkok. No problem - we just killed a day in Bangkok rather than Jakarta. I felt like the white man with many wives in tow ...

The conference was a beyond special time. Charlie Robinson, just the most fun Canadian guy you will ever meet who works alongside Todd Bentley, took the opening session. It was great! At the end of his message he was kind of yakking, then turned and said 'who is here from Cambodia? Come on up the front'. He prayed and prophesied over us - an amazing, encountering time. Nothing like that happened again during the conference. We have been well loved and encouraged by God!

Not much of a pic - but that is Charlie (centre) - the Indonesian interpreter (closest - he only interpreted for the night meetings) and one wild Chinese interpreter from Taiwan (far left). She was so much fun - a sharp-as lady who loves the Holy Spirit.

Accommodation was in a hotel which usually had hot water .... We travelled between the hotel and the conference by buses that were put on - a 20-minute run on a good day. There were no good days. Jakarta traffic is gridlock. It pretty well took an hour there at 7.15am; an hour back at 3pm; an hour there at 5pm and 30 mins back at 11-ish pm. We got smart one day, flagged the afternoon bus back and camped in a Dunkin Donut shop. Another highlight!

A real highlight was to connect with Jill Austin again. We did not get much time with her as we had a bus to catch - but the 10 minutes with her was absolutely brilliant. She carries such a godly presence and amazing love.

The schedule gave 90 minutes to worship at night - 6.30 until 8pm. Then they started at 6pm! The musicians were brilliant - more orchestral-based than band (violins, cellos, great sax) and often the worship level was very high. Most of the folk attending were Chinese (Singapore, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan) and Indonesian; some Malaysians, a smattering of white fellas (mostly American or Aussie missionaries in Indonesia). We were the only folk from little Cambodia.

We're doing a reunion at our place on Sunday afternoon - part de-brief, part pray-up. I've got some girls to check up on too - see if they are still giggling and dancing!

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