Friday, 27 June 2008

Tarsha's Legacy Centre

Remember our good friends, Patrick and Carol Kelly? Their hearts are are so much for the poor, and there is great grace on them for raising up educational centres for those who are too poor to access education here in Cambodia.

We were greeted by David - a lovely, cuddly young fella.

Over the last 12 months Patrick and Carol have been involved in a huge initiative - to re-locate and house people who were being evicted from an inner-city slum area. A Khmer pastor, Sara, has a huge heart for his people within the slum and together with Patrick and Carol and and his wife Shansi, Pastor Sara has been looking to God for an answer.

Out of all this has come the purchase of a 90 metre x 10 metre block of land not far from Phnom Penh, where 18 small (6m x 4m) homes have been built. A whole new community has been formed.

Inside David's family's home - Adrian and Joan were so excited about this visit

Further, a school has just been opened on the property. Called 'Tarsha's Legacy Centre' (in rememberance of Natarsha, a young Tasmanian lady who lived a short earthly life, but whose passion for the poor lives on) this school serves not only the new community but also children in the immediate district. Shansi heads up the school of 90 children, together with a great team of staff.

Carol thriving at the centre; Shansi is in the white t-shirt beside her. Adrian is clicking away happily in the background.

This was an inspiring time that we spent with Patrick and Carol. It was great having Adrian and Joan with us too. They have a huge heart for these kind of initiatives, demonstrated over the decades in their involvement with such initiatives as 'Business Aid'.

Having a wonder through the new community

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