Thursday, 19 March 2009

We have a Selena!

How long is 26 years in your life? That's a full half lifetime for me - and that is how long this lady has been our good friend.

Selena arrived yesterday to step into the gap - as Sue and I leave for Aussie and NZ on Monday for a month away. About six months ago we made contact with Selena and asked her if she would please come and cover this time - and her answer must not have been a 'no' ...

Susie and Selena in catch-up yak mode

Actually, she tells a neat story. She says that she had been talking some to the Lord and telling Him that she was ready to step forward ... that whatever she was invited to do, she would say 'yes' to. Our email arrived a day or two later! Who was it who coined the phrase about 'it is not our ability that God looks for, but our availability'. There is a lot of truth in that one. In Selena tho' we receive the best of both worlds - a hugely capable person; a skilled nurse and a huge lover of people.

So, we are getting her up to speed. She has experienced a mango-banana-passionfruit home-made smoothie, a decent power cut, a motodop ride and two days in the Healing Home. We have three more days to give her additional survival skills before she swims in her new environment.


Unknown said...

Hi Kim and Sue

So looking forward to seeing you guys.
Can we book you for dinner one night or are you already booked up?
Slenny looks great. Have you shown her Coffee Corner yet? She may need it from what she was saying in church the other day. Saw her Craig today and he was pleased to hear we had been there and could assure him that she would be well looked after.
Have a great time with Melody and Dave and see you soon.


Robyn and Marty

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnevies,

Great to fall upon your blog and see what you guys are up to. Wonderful impact you will be making in Cambodia as you seek Gods will and trust Him. Lovely to see photo of Selena. Lisa was just saying that she oftens thinks about what you are all up to. Our prayers are with you all. We are still in Australia. I have just started as the Principal of Dubbo Christian School. Will keep your blog in my favourites and keep up to date. Warren and Lisa Melville.