Monday, 22 June 2009


Phanna and Yohannes, a visiting pastor from Singapore, praying with Daa

Daa is the young paralysed man who came to us with unimaginable gaping pressure sores in his buttocks some months ago. He became one of our rejoicing stories - admitted to Sihanouk Hospital against all odds; operations to fill his wounds - and released from hospital (during Selena's days here) after only five weeks instead of the projected 3-5 months. Our staff were at his bedside at least four times per week and the impact of their love and faithfulness overflowed to the ward and to senior hospital personnel.

Life has been challenging for Daa. His wife's parents have been urging her to leave him. He is still paralysed and trying hard to hold on to faith and hope. Recently we heard that a sore was breaking down. He is now back with us, together with his little sister Channy who is caring for him. And yes, we are back in challenge land with him.

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