Monday, 22 June 2009


We headed south last Friday to get a bit of sea and sand for a few days. Sihanoukville lies 225km from Phnom Penh, around five hours by bus to white-ish sand, blue-ish sea and a whole lot more greenery than here in the city. Those five air-con hours landed Susie with a head-cold that she has been nursing since!

On the beach in the evening - sea breezes and sand between the toes!

There is no prolonged opportunity to lie and laze on the beach tho'. Where there are white bodies, there are sales to be had. Massage?? Buy sir?? Manicure, sunglasses, fruit, bracelets, crayfish, crafts, cards - all are in continuous circular motion. Many of the sellers are delightful young children, out to supplement family income and to keep themselves in school.

Susie with three of the craft-selling girls - such delightful youngsters

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