Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Bad choice

It's easy to go into self-righteous finger-pointing mode out here. There's a lot of stuff that certainly grates - and the (in?)justice system would be one of those areas. The reality is tho' - our society here operates on 'user pay'. Need a job? Likely, you'll need to pay to get in. Kids in school? Pay ... Need a cop because you got mugged? Pay ...

Therefore, it is with great joy that I want to report that our little Sopheap has had a miraculous week with the local constabluary. Her fun started when three boys on a motorbike did the 'snatch and grab' on her - yanking a pretty valuable necklace off her neck as she puttered along. She watched them zoom away - only to inexplicably crash 30 metres down the road.

Two of the skunks scampered left and right, leaving a dazed 17-year old rich kid on the ground. Yes, there was a cop right there - and he had a pair of hand-cuffs handy.

Sopheap with Sue and baby Alisa. We've had a great result from our first dabble into being a homeless shelter, too. Navy and Alisa are safely settled in their own little home now!

The kid has a policeman daddy. That should have been end of story - bribe paid, boy released, platinum necklace hocked, case closed. However, Sopheap is walking in a bubble of favour and protection. Two meetings with police and boy's family later and she has been fully reimbursed for the stolen necklace (taken by running skunk 1 who has kept runnng all the way to the northern Battambang province). She is so excited to see this grace working on her life.

Meanwhile, there is division in the hapless young fella's family. His mum is working overtime to smooth things over and get him out of clink. Dad apparently is desirous that his son learn his lesson at a deeper level.

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