Monday, 19 October 2009

Fish and chips

We are just back from four days at Sihanoukville - a fairly grubby town on the south coast that has Cambodia's only deep water port - and some sandy beaches. If you have ever been on Thailand's beaches then you certainly won't be impressed with Sihanoukville. Happily I've not been to the Thai ones so I'm grateful for what we have.

On the beach - where you will always attract delightful kids hawking stuff. Here is Christian and Becs strolling with some of the locals.

Apart from talking, reading and generally lazing, we also took an excellent boat daytrip on a well-built three-deck boat. We got to snorkel on a dead coral reef, swim on island beaches and thoroughly enjoy a day on the water. The boat towed a couple of fish lures and one king mackeral obliged. Maybe I should have been polite and not grabbed the rod so fast ...

6kg of fierce fighting fish - well, the little guy was caught on a marlin rod so he pretty well got winched in

... but then again I have my son to feed ...

Barbequed mackeral - better than a lamb shank, even!

1 comment:

Melody said...

You look very sunburnt Daddy!! bet you got in trouble later!! haha