Sunday, 25 October 2009

Three tuktuks

The North City, Christchurch, team has landed! Phnom Penh is feeling the impact of Kiwis as eight new arrivals come to bless this lovely nation for two weeks.

Yesterday was a good slotting-in day for the four guys and four ladies, before they head out to Kompong Cham later today for a house-building and village-blessing four days. Then they come back to Phnom Penh for a few days before heading to Takeo Province to build another house. When I say 'house' think 6 metres x 5 metres, raised on poles with concrete pad underneath.

After a full day of doing stuff, we headed to the riverside in the evening for a boat cruise and dinner. That's where the three tuk-tuks come in - 14 Kiwis in all including Marty and Robyn and Christian and Becs.

There were six in our tuktuk so Susie gets to sit with her boys.

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