Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Surprising turn

Happy now and heading out to a new future - Phiong and baby Ritsar leaving yesterday

Our little lady had set her heart - she was returning to the only life that she knew at slumsville central. As miserable as it is, that has been Phiong's security.

Katrina, a fine lady who works to see single mums make good choices for their baby, said 'fine - we'll take you to your old home - and we will take you to the community that has other single mums too, just so that you can see what it is like'. Pulling into slum central, the old landlord was not a bit happy to see her. He had no hovel for her to rent whatsoever. Moreover, the ladies in the slum started to give her a hard time, saying that she was crazy not to take the opportunity for a better future; that they were poor and had no help to give her. Phiong was snotted. Wheels were wobbling in her world.

24 hours later and she was better than fine - heading out to a simple Khmer community where she will share a room with another single mum and receive training to support herself and Ritsar. We are amazed and thrilled - here was a non-drinking horse at a water trough who has been turned by a set of God-circumstances!

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