Sunday, 18 April 2010

To keep

Phiong has decided to keep her little treasure. She has named her Ritsar (Khmer for 'to keep') and Ritsar looks to be very happy with mum's decision. She is an incredibly settled, contented wee baby who rarely cries and often sleeps!

This coming week will be big decision time for Phiong. She has a wonderfu opportunity to go to a Hagar women's home and to be taught new skills and have Ritsar in childcare. However, poverty does terrible things to the capacity to envisage a better future. Phiong is talking in terms of returning to both her slum hovel and labouring on buildings and roads. For little Ritsar to have a better future, we need to see mum turn.

Ritsar weighing in at 2.9kg on my 'fish scales'. To the right of the scales is a Cambodian life essential - the humble mosquito-frying electrified bat.

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