Thursday, 13 May 2010

Our three girls

At the mo we have six patients at the Healing Home. Three of our girls come from Cambodia's very rotund underbelly. One is a former bar-girl and now a full follower of Jesus. Another was sold by her step-father into prostitution and the third girl was orphaned at 11 years old and taken off the streets and into sexual trafficing at age 12 years.

Outwardly society here is refreshingly modest. Prostitution and the selling of girls into the sex trade is just huge, however. Coupled with that is a never-ending supply of scumbags who promise young girls unending love, and dump them at a moment's notice. Our pregnant girl managed to run away from the brothel that her stepfather had sold her into and was living with a guy like this. The moment he found out that she was pregnant, he told her that he had a wife and two kids - goodbye.

Sreymom (the patient) Sue, Sreymom (our carer) our pregnant girl whom I will not name and Sreyda on the far bed at devotions this morning. Sreymom has perfected the pout - she is 22 years old but much more like a 14-year old. She seems to be turning a corner these last couple of days, no longer constantly pining to return to her scummy home town near the Thai border and her ever-loving (not!!) boyfriend there. She had lost 26kg before she came to us. Note her pyjamas - normal daytime wear on the streets here. Her pj's have 'the dog have go home' printed on them. Reminds me of the t-shirt in the market of a happy puppy with 'Happy God' printed underneath ...

A couple of pics for the nurses out there .... Sreyda had very mean bedsores on both hips. Our girls are very happy to see sudden real progress on these wounds. These pics are taken a week apart of the same wound.

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