Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Goodbye to our little guy

Kov, our bouncing little helper, moves to 'Rescue' tomorrow. It is fully five months since he came to us, so sick and sad. He's a totally different little guy now.

Party in the front room - a good choice of location as the rains came just as we sat down to eat.

Susie organised a party for him today with the other six patients, one family carer and our staff all invited. Dtouch cooked up a feast of fried fish and chicken and Susie made him a birthday cake and bought him a set of building blocks for a pressie. It was high excitement for everyone, complete with masks and blowie-noisy things!

Blowing out the candles - it's not his birthday (as no-one knows his birth date) but this kid has never ever had a party in his honour before.

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