Friday, 1 July 2011


Labour is very cheap in Cambodia, so you tend to repair rather than replace.  Fans, a survival necessity here, commonly break down in the Healing Home - we have I think eight fans and there would seldom be a month when one or two of them are not being tinkered with. 

I got this one back today - expertly repaired by my usual shop but this time a little guy.  I asked him in my flawless Khmer language "how old are you".  He replied in flawless English "I am twelve years old".

The fan went in to have the power cord replaced.  To my knowledge, that was the only bit broken.  I got a new-age rainbow fan back - spot the four colours if you can.  It was such a fun Cambodian experience that I just got happier - why object when it is sooo funny?? 

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