Friday, 1 July 2011


Cambodians love to eat - as in they LOVE to eat.  Snacks are a multi-essential part of every day. With their sense of fun and ridiculous, they will sometimes play on words and say things like 'I really want to eat a snake now' or 'I just go to buy some snakes'. 

On my way back from Kratie Province last week, the bus pulled into one of these essential snack stops.  I reckon I would take the snake any day over what was on snack-offer at the stop ...

The sweet little lady seller - and what does she have on offer??

Well, there is Jiminny and many, many of his mates (top) - or there are mounds of roasted, toasted serious-sized spiders on offer.  I tried the spider legs one time in another location - tasted OK if you like wood.  The bodies, which I understand give a gooey mouth explosion, I passed on then - and in all the forseeable future.

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