Monday, 2 July 2007

Sokhun soldiering on

Sokhun is doing well. The swelling in her arm has noticeably gone down and she is responding well to love and care. Carers from Hagar have been coming and going and we fill in the gaps. There is good praise music going constantly in her room now. We picked up a cd of Hillsong in Khmer (I kid you not) and a good worship album led by Pisat, the church worship leader. Susie went to talk to a doctor today about pain relief for her also.

The big step today has been with Sokhun's four children going into foster care. They are such great kids; really lovely. Here's a pic of Scooter and siblings as they were leaving - happy and excited they were too.

Sokhun will get to see her children next week at the foster family and they will come in here on weekends. It's encouraging to see her comfort level increase with the swelling going down - still got the rotten cancer to contend with tho'.


Amy said...

Hi! How exciting your journey sounds. I found your blog via Caroll & Patrick Kelly's. I am returning to Phnom Penh in August & am so looking forward to seeing more of the awesome work God is doing through faithful people like yourselves.
Be encouraged & I will pray for Sokhun & her children.

Kim and Sue Bonnevie said...

Hi Amy! Feel free to make contact when you arrive 0121747595 - 'The Last Samurai' was filmed in our home town/region! God bless

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