Monday, 24 September 2007

As if ...

As if the roads are not dangerous enough already, our Kiwi friends Graeme and Sue Taylor have just been quite injured as a result of a snatch thief. They were likely targeted as they came out of church - and a few blocks later two guys on a moto pulled alongside and snatched Sue's bible case also containing wallet, $200 and other stuff as well. She was pulled off the motorbike and has concussion and lots of bruising. Graeme has a broken collar bone and grazes. For both of them tho', it means an evac to Bangkok.

We visited them at the emergency clinic today - prayed for and hugged them. Sue was very sore and still somewhat in shock. Good buddy Sue Hanna is pretty vulnerable too. She was following on her moto and did not even see the snatch - just the crash. Stuff like this can happen in any country - but it certainly reminds us of the level of 'wild west' lawlessness prevalent here.

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