Friday, 7 September 2007

Everlasting Father

Sokhun died Tuesday afternoon in her sleep. She was just 42 years old. We attended her memorial service today - a wonderful service that was held at Hagar with maybe 150 people attending.

Hagar ladies choir at the funeral - women who come out of abusive situations.

During the two-hour service, Millet, who heads up the Hagar women's shelter ministry, spoke of a conversation she once had with Sokhun, asking her 'what is your idea of fulness of life'. Sokhun answered with such things as 'to have a house in which the door closed and the window was secure; to have enough food for her and her children and for her children to be able to go to school. Now, imagine a NZ / Aussie response to that question - and see if you can measure the gap.

Sokhun's children are looking really well. They were understandably distraught on Tuesday but they are well loved and cared for in their new family. This was Sokhun's greatest mission - to know her children were secure in their futures.

'Marie' (never did get her Khmer name!) - youngest daughter

'Scooter' Raita - one different looking kid now

Vanna, oldest child and such a nice young guy and echoes of 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' - Sue, Sue and Sue.

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