Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Bouncing baby

Little Alisa is such a different wee babe compared to 10 days ago. She has filled out remarkably and so enjoys her milk formula drink - in fact she has started holding the bottle by herself!

We're getting lots of smiles from her now too. Sue introduced her to a new culinary sensation yesterday - the humble mashed banana. One banana went down the hatch. This morning it was stewed apples. They were thoughtfully munched on between inquisitive looking around and little smiles.

Stewed apple for brekkie - Susie doing the honours

Navy is really thriving in the home too. She's actually blind but real capable. Our understanding is that she had (most likely) a vitamin a deficiency when she was 21 that led to her blindness. Had it been got to and correctly treated she would not be living in darkness.

Navy with her treasure

We're not sure of what the future will hold for these little ladies once Alisa gains all her weight. Navy wants to move in with her boyfriend. He sounds to be a nice fella with two young sons who really love him. He is blind - and paralysed. The mind boggles ... but Jesus has a good plan.

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