Saturday, 28 February 2009

Bye bye babe

Baby Alisa together with her mum Navy left us yesterday. Alisa continues to do just great. She has put on weight, tries to pull herself up and readily responds with a smile or baby noise to our voices. Now, Navy has moved on to her boyfriend's place who, we have learned, is indeed also blind but not paralysed.

Alisa in Sopheap's arms earlier this week (above) and goodbye hugs from Bonna as the little family are about to leave (below).

We are committed to on-going care and contact for the next six months tho'. Our daughter Melody is a supreme baby-lover. On her own initiative she has found some friends who are giving money for baby milk formula to Alisa. We will deliver the formula (not the money!) weekly and keep a good eye on things.

Talking about ongoing contact, we saw Dar (the guy with the horror pressure sores plus all the other challenges) yesterday. He has a lovely smile and is doing well. Phanna was also there at the time - he went up to the hospital three times over the week to pray with him and read the Word to him. Sopheap also visited on Thursday.

Our mission is now to fatten him so that he can start skin-graft treatment. We've left him with a tin of 'Ensure' (a powdered drink that is a nutritional meal in a glass) and food. He's in a hospital room with perhaps 14 other patients. Many of them are amputees. It is incredible, the amount of suffering still in this nation.

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