Sunday, 15 February 2009

Susie Samaritan

When Nicole was with us she had been visiting a Cambodian friend's dad in hospital - and came home with a horror tale. An Austrian lady had been attacked and bashed at the beach in Sihanoukville. She ended up in the bed next to the dad - alone, no memory, no English language and desperately confused. In her freaked out state she was yelling at the doctors and refusing treatment.

Sue and Elizabeth visiting with Marie yesterday

Sue heard about this last Sunday and took action. Through Hagar she connected with a Swiss guy with German language - and they went to visit. Sue's been visiting with Elizabeth (wife of Swiss guy) since, taking clothing (she had nothing - literally), toiletries and meal-in-a-glass nutritional drinks (Marie has lost her teeth in all of this). Susie even got hold of the German embassy (who act on behalf of Austrian nationals) and has ongoing contact with them.

Marie is doing better now, but still has memory loss and possibly inner-ear damage. Through other folk we know who happened to come across Marie on the beach just after the attack, the story has emerged. Two teenagers took a concrete slab (about 5kg) and smashed Marie on the head as she lay sunbathing on the beach at 4pm . Her backpack contained maybe a book and a dollar.

We understand Marie's sister-in-law is flying out this week to take her home. It may be a week or three until she can climb on a jet bird. We'll be keeping tabs on her meanwhile.

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